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Penis Extension Methods for Easily Enhancing Your Member

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No matter what other people say, men still has the final decision when it comes to the size of their own penis. If they are not satisfied with it, they will continue to feel inferior whatever their partners would say. This is where penis extension might enter the relationship. Though their partners may not require or oppose the use of penis extensions, men will still do everything to suffice their masculinity.

relationship Men with small penis who are in a relationship may aspire for a bigger tool to satisfy their partners in bed. They always have the thought that the bigger the manhood’s size, the better.

But what is the real say of women when it comes to penis extensions? Do they agree to their partners to make use of extenders in order to gain a boost?

Larger Or Smaller Penis

Which is better, a larger or a smaller penis?  Does size really matter? This is one of the main questions that lurk in the minds of many people.

For many girls, they prefer to have bigger penises as it adds to the stimulation. Smaller penises, on the other hand may require the male partner to perform harder in order to hit the sexually sensitive spots of the female sex organ.

Photo by Manu / CC BY

Though smaller penis can still satisfy a woman, a bigger manhood still has a different impact for them. Some females are generally interested to see and feel a huge penis. It adds up to their attraction and it can do a lot when it comes to foreplay.

Some women may say that the size does not matter to them. This statement can be true, but majority of females would prefer men with larger penis when it comes to sex. The answer here is very simple. Bigger penis gives a greater amount of sexual pleasure.

Keeping It A Secret

Once a man has made a decision and bought a penis extender, the nature is that they would initially think of keeping it to anyone else. This can be very difficult when it comes to men who are in a relationship. Keeping it from their partners can lead to mistrust, since this secret will be uncovered eventually.

Most partners would be very understanding when it comes to this matter. One problem is that men may feel embarrassed about bringing it up.  But for the relationship’s sake, men should still gather their courage and speak up about it to avoid trust issues. The best time to talk about this is while both parties are relaxed and alone with each other.

A Woman’s Perception About Penis Extension

partnerWomen can be pleased with the thought that their partner is trying their best to sexually satisfy them. They may also be open when it comes to the use of penis extension, but what concerns them more is the safety.

They will be more worried about the downsides that their significant other would go through with the use of such products. Bad media reports and the existence of rogue brands may have reached the attention of female partners.

This makes them more concerned for their other half. Because of this, the only thing that might help them agree with your decision to make use of penis extensions is if you bought the most reliable product in the market.

The Downsides

Here are the downsides that scare not only men users, but also their female partners.

  • Damaged Blood Vessels – The number one affected part with the misuse of penis extensions is the blood vessel. Due to tightness, lack of oxygen supply and trauma, the pathways of blood may be impacted. Varicose veins may occur and this could lead to a bad appearance of the penis.
  • painPain – You may experience some degree of pain while trying to wear the device. But this is normal, because of the pull applied by it.
    If the pain persists after you remove the device, you may need to see a doctor. There could be some damages to the penile tissues, which might result to the pain.
  • Irritation – For men who used cheaper, poorly constructed devices, irritation might occur and cause discomfort. This could be in the form of rashes, soreness, blisters and itchiness.

Penis extension may help solve the problem of a small penis. Before a you try one, it is still important to consider your partner’s feeling about this. If you have made the decision to go with penis extension, talk about it with your partner at the right time to avoid conflicts in the relationship.

By ensuring that you will use one carefully, your partner will feel better about your use of such a device. You will also be safer if you are careful and follow the instructions carefully.